Sanvaad (Communication) : 3rd S of 5 S for Meditating Manager

Sanvaad means communication in Sanskrit language. A lot has been discussed and written on this virtue. Yes, instead of naming it as a skill, it is more of a virtue!

What to communicate; when to 
communicate & How to communicate are important questions every manager should ask himself/herself before initiating any conversation.

When this equation of What, When & How goes wrong, we end up with mess. Miscommunication is more of ‘Missed Communication’- either content is missed or context is missed or timing is missed or approach is missed!

The biggest problem with communication is that we talk a lot but we seldom communicate.

Frequently, we end up assuming things. ‘I guess he has understood!’, ‘I hope she will understand!’, ‘I know what he is going to say!’, ‘Do I need to tell you these basic things?’- are the assumptions which create barriers in the effective communication.

Clarity in communication, ensuring that even small things are being told or discussed - is an essential element in effective communication.
Many communication experts will tell you a lot about tone, pace, modulation etc. It is more of a technical knowledge.

I want to bring your attention to the next dimension- It is communicating with self! I bet on that it will be the best conversation you will have in your life!
Frequent conversations with self, help one to bring clarity in thoughts, help to criticize or evaluate our own stand points.

The thoughts, theories (like this), concepts imposed from outside need a very strict evaluation before they are absorbed by us. And who will advise you better than you on it!

Another learning of Sanvaad (Communication) is bringing synchronization in our intentions and our actions. We frequently forget that our actions are also communicating something!
Frequently, It has been seen that misunderstandings among colleagues, peers or subordinates are due to a gap between one’s intentions and actions. We need to learn that people cannot see our intentions. They can only see our actions!

Go back to your school days and try to recollect memories of your most strict teachers. I am sure that it wouldn’t be difficult to recollect a few.
You remember them for their strictness, punishments, scolding! Was that their intention? No! Probably, their intention was to make you a better human being; to bring discipline in your life but you do not remember them for their intentions! You remember them for their actions!

Look around you in the society! You will meet many parents who are complaining about their kid’s rebellious nature, they will talk about frictions among them and their kids. If you investigate, you will realize that frequently frictions are due to a gap between parent’s intentions and actions. Kids can see only actions, not the intentions!

Don’t you think that a manager is also playing a role of parent, a role of teacher for his/her team? Do you want your team to carry the similar memories of your's as you are carrying of your teachers? Do you want your team to end up into the frequent conflicts with you because you couldn’t express your intentions effectively through your actions?

It is always a failure of a communicator- a person who is communicating, either through words or through actions- in case receiver of the communication perceives it incorrectly!

For a fruitful Sanvaad (Communication), it is essential for a manager to pay attention to transforming his/her intentions into correct words and transforming his/her words into correct actions!!

Pushkar Korhalkar


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