Think about it!
What are the qualities of a successful leader?
This is a very common question you may hear in the corridors of any organization. And, people may respond to it with a very common answer. A good leader should have good communication skills and influencing skills and assertiveness and bla bla bla.... The list is unending.
However, one skill which many people miss to mention is 'Thinking Skill'. Many scholars in the field of management have argued that Thinking is a skill which differentiates a great leader from good leader, A wildly successful leader from a successful leader.
Ironically, many leaders seldom spend time in sharpening their skills of thinking. Action is always engaging, activities impress people and on the contrary thinking appears to be very dull process. As a result many leaders are fascinated with the art of the execution rather than art of thinking.
When these leaders are climbing the hierarchical ladder in the organizational, they are focused on their execution skills. Unfortunately, many performance discussions also focus mainly on the quality of the execution and give very less emphasize on quality of thinking of an individual.
As a result, these leaders - who have excelled in execution- reach the top positions in the organizations struggle to solve the complex problems lying in front of the organization.
Hence, it is important to focus on the subject of thinking. How to think, What to think, What are the styles of the thinking, What should be the approach, When to stop thinking are the few areas to excel when we talk about thinking as a skill.
In every industrial revolution till now, there had been a favorite question on the table for the discussion and it was what are the future skill sets required by the next generations? Many people have come up with many answers but Thinking is a skill which is not going to get outdated ever.
Think about it!
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