The beginning...

What is a purpose of Meditating Manager?

A manager is not a person who is running merely for appreciations, complements, increments & designations. His/her expectations might be much different than these things. His/her vision for life or for the organization may be much broader and bigger. Possibly, a sense of fulfillment, happiness, ecstasy derived from the work is equally important for him or her.
A manager is not a sheer faceless resource who is working as a ball bearing in the machine named as the company nor s/he is a brick in the foundation which is important but not being noticed.
A manager is an essential and integral part of the organization. A person who lives with huge possibilities. A person who can shape up the future of any organization.
This blog is dedicated to such managers who work with great commitment, contribute to the fullest and have a capacity to think about the betterment of them & their organizations.
This blog is not a ‘How To’ guide for managers to provide quick fixes to their problems. Rather, it is a strong inquiry about self while wearing a mask of a manager. It is more of discovering our inner abilities which already exist but are being forgotten by ignorant mind.
There is no defined path for Meditating Manager. It is like taking a walk through a manager’s day to day life while being completely alert, observant  & conscious about the self!
I invite all thinking managers to join this walk with me. Do share your views & inputs on the posts of Meditating Manager. Let it become a lighthouse for the aspiring managers.
By Pushkar Korhalkar


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