Sympathy is an addiction
Yes! If you ask about the worst addiction in the
world; then, answer may not be smoking or alcohol but it is ‘seeking sympathy’!
Other addiction may impact your physical body but
‘seeking sympathy’ impacts your ‘inner-self’, your mind, your character &
your existence!
Ironically, you pay lot of attention to stay away
from other forms of addictions; you educate yourselves and people about the
worst impacts of alcohol or smoking or drugs but have you ever observed the
condition of a person who is seeking sympathy? A person who is playing a
victim’s role, in every situation of his/her life; a person who has compromised his/her self esteem.
It is
relatively easy to get rid of the other addictions. There are defined therapies
to treat an addicted person and keep him/her away from the addictions. However,
there is no therapy to treat a person who is addicted to sympathy.
You will notice many people around you who are
addicted to ‘seeking sympathy!’ it is wide-spread addiction. You will notice
that people like to tell the stories of their innocence and their
victimization. Unfortunately, many of them are not aware that they are not
victim of the situation but they are addicted to this mental opium called as
You need to be careful of this addiction! You need to learn to stay away from this addiction. This addiction will not only destroy your self-esteem but also leave you emotionally paralyzed. Once someone sympathizes with you; once you taste the sympathy; once you experience the kick of it, you may start liking it. And, that is the risk. It is so nice to get sympathy, people would be always caring about you, people would always be concerned for you, people will always pity on you. You will always live in an illusionary world. A world where you will see yourself as a weak, needy person; you will see yourself as a person who needs to be supported by others, a person who can't do probably anything on his/her own, you will see yourself as an parasite.
Do not get into this trap! Do not become victim of sympathy. You are your best support available. People may come and go. People may try to give you emotional support. In some cases, it is required too! But, remember that no one else can carry you on their shoulders. No one would be willing to carry your emotional burdens.
It is essential to remember that a
person who is seeking sympathy is not a person who is celebrated in team, in
society, in life! A person who is heavily dependent on seeking sympathy cannot
lead other or even self! A person, who plays victim’s card, every time, is
generally avoided by his/her friends, peers and even family!
If people try to sympathize with you, thank them
and go ahead. Do not get stuck in a grief. Remember that you are not a victim
of the situation. World is not conspiring against you. Wherever you are and
whatever you are facing is a consequence of your actions and decisions.
So, Be wise! Be Sensitive but Be strong!
Pushkar Korhalkar
Image Source: Google
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